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All Fitness with Dancing and Yoga

Dance aerobics
Kick boxing
Step aerobics
Chair aerobics
Free style dancing with western and eastern styles

Millions of people suffer from illnesses that can be prevented or improved through regular physical activity.

Aerobic Exercises

Aerobics is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic aerobic exercise with stretching and strength training routines with the goal of improving all elements of fitness (flexibility, muscular strength, and cardio-vascular fitness). It is performed to music.

Aerobics is a goal of preventing illness and promoting physical fitness.

Aerobics perform various routines comprising a number of different dance-like exercises.

Classes exclusively for ladies,.......

Suitable Music & Personal Attention during Every Lesson
Exercises for Health and Beauty [full body workout]
Exercises for Abs / Legs / Chest / Back / Arms & with all major joints & 
muscles of the body

Yoga for Health and Beauty


The word yoga means " union" Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where yoga originated. We can think of the union occurring between the mind, body and spirit.

What is commonly referred to as 'yoga" can be more accurately described by the Sanskrit word asana, which refers to the practice of physical postures or poses.

Importance of Yoga in Our Life

Yoga is important in our everyday life. It strengthens our physical and mental power and has numerous health benefits. Yoga is a type of exercise which is performed using various types of body postures. You can perform yoga anywhere, since it does not need any special workout equipment. Start performing yoga exercises regularly and notice how beneficial it in keeping your mind and body healthy.

Yoga is not a religion; it is a way of living whose aim is ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body’.

Man is a physical, mental and spiritual being; yoga helps promote a balanced development of all the three