Health Articles,.... By,(Author) - M.B.S. Niranjala Fernando.
Director -Niranga Academy of Arts. - Sri
1. Fitness of Life
2. Physical exercises for healthy life
3. Food that we eat
4. Good Habits
5. Comparison of fat content in meat and
6. In one large egg,
7. Exercise for Your Physical and Mental
Health Keeping your mental fitness sharp is an important part of healthy aging
and longevity.
8. More on Exercise
9. You can deal with emotional problems
successfully if you are viewing them realistically from all angles.
10. Personality for a healthy life
11. Make your life productive
Fitness of Life
What is fitness of life?
In order to become a complete
Those who give priority to education
(knowledge) and are not active, can become scholarly patients.
Educated, intelligent people, who do not
consider inculcating spiritual values (regarding support), can become educated,
intelligent and inhuman.
Those who are spiritually advanced but
have no knowledge of the world or society will become idiots brimming with
What we should be is an educated,
intelligent, healthy person brimming with good qualities and humanity.
During this short period we live on this
earth, enjoy the life so that we do not hinder our self or others. Do not
suffer. Do not delight in or grieve for something excessively. Everything
Pleasant thoughts and positive attitudes
will help to keep us healthy. We can deal with emotional problems successfully
if we view them realistically from all angles.
Being fit does not necessarily mean being
free of disease. It is something that goes beyond it. Being fit and healthy
means, being healthy in body, mind, socially and spiritually. A healthy / fit
person directs his or her attention to food, exercising, mind, habits,
postures, sleep and the environment. They have a good understanding of their
domestic chores and other social events and are very supportive. Join with
Niranga Academy of Arts to be more fit and healthy.
By,(Author) - Dr M.B.S. Niranjala Fernando.
Director -Niranga Academy of Arts. - Sri
Physical exercises for healthy life
Physical exercise plays a very important
part in a healthy lifestyle. Being overweight, that is obese, is a main risk
factor where diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure,
high cholesterol stroke and certain types of cancers etc., are concerned.
Quite apart from preventing diseases and
there are many other benefits of physical regular exercise.
Exercise helps foster personality and to
increase the flexibility of the body. Those who exercise regularly will be able
to carry out any task without expending much effort and becoming exhausted.
Niranga Academy of Arts Sri Lanka conduct
rhythmic exercise classes such as dance aerobic exercises / yoga exercises
etc., with music. These exercises are more suitable for a healthy heart as well
as for women. And also these exercises are required for good heart function and
for the blood circulation system.
Rhythmic exercises have been created in
conjunction with 'rhythmic movements" from the arts of dancing and various
methods which have been prevalent in the world for thousands of years.
The main purpose of these exercises is to
get a group of muscles to work in conjunction at the same time and to exercise
the entire body and thereby burn extra fat. Exercising does not merely mean
losing weight. There are many more valuable more than hundred of benefits that
can be achieved where life is concerned.
Exercising provides remedies for
instances where, hormone imbalances due to being overweight have resulted in
women being childless and for those who suffer from irregular menstruation.
Reports on research and experiments conducted in the United Kingdom, have shown
that women who exercise have a lesser risk of developing breast cancer as well
as cancers of the reproductive system than women who do not exercise.
Those who exert themselves exercising,
are physically healthy and also are able to achieve energetic youthfulness in
mind as well. Do not procrastinate where exercising is concerned. Those who
does not delay starting exercising will benefit more than the people who delay
in starting the exercises.
Physical exercise is the way to a happy
successful life. However, we should not exercise to such an extent that it
results in the wasting away and weakening of joints. I believe that this note
will assist people in being motivated towards exercising in order to maintain a
long term, mental contentment, tranquility of the mind and good health.
By,(Author) - Dr M.B.S. Niranjala Fernando.
Director - Niranga Academy of Arts.- Sri Lanka
Director - Niranga Academy of Arts.- Sri Lanka
Food that we eat
However much you exercise, you will
achieve no results if you do not have
good eating habits
If you consume more calories, by way of
food than the calories you burn, the excess calories will be stored in your
body and result in your being overweight. Fasting in order to achieve weight
loss is extremely dangerous.
Food should be consumed with care and in
suitable quantities and a healthy weight can be maintained by exercising. The
number of calories you burn daily have to be increased and the calories from
food decreased in order to reduce weight.
It is important to be aware of the
calorie and fat content of foods you consume regularly. Intake of one type of
food, incessantly over a period of time is not recommended. The variety should
always be considered where food is concerned. However nutritious an item of
food is, the same type of fish, fruits, vegetables and change should be
replaced with different types of fish, various types of fruit and vegetables.
We need food not only to satisfy our
hunger. Even though some items of food are not expensive they have great
nutritional value. It is important that you make yourselves aware of the fact.
Some people eat white bread with jam and butter or plantains for breakfast
every day in order to save time. However, if you have some boiled gram or green
gram instead, once in two days, you will be adding nourishment and variety and
adding different tastes as well with your morning meal. Every effort should be
made to retain the nourishment, when preparing food.
Good eating habits should be instilled.
If you are overweight (obese), it is very important that you consult a
You will achieve the ability to eat as
well as prepare food intelligently if you direct your attention towards your
economic status and needs and plan accordingly.
By,(Author) - Dr M.B.S. Niranjala Fernando.
Director - Niranga Academy of Arts.- Sri Lanka
Director - Niranga Academy of Arts.- Sri Lanka
Good Habits
1) Do not eat to fill your stomach in one
instance. If you do so, there will be a tendency
for your abdomen to bulge outwards
2) Be informed of what you can eat in-between the three major meals. Even if you exercise regularly, the abdomen is likely to bulge, if you
tend to be on an empty stomach for a long time which results in Acid Gas
filling the stomach.
3) Ensure that you have your meals at the proper times. Be informed of how you should take during your meals and what you should
eat at breakfast/tea time / lunch / evening tea time/ dinner / before bed time.
(This depends on each individual age group, daily activities, gender, job etc.)
4) Train yourself to have your meals at the proper times and to provide
your body with the required nutritional elements, vitamins and minerals in a
balanced way as necessary throughout the day.
5) Do not forget that water is the best drink in the whole world.
6) Consume foods that belong to a variety of groups. Eat more foods with
fiber and fruits and vegetables. Reduce the quantity of fatty oily foods. Take
all kinds of fish, beans, long beans and winged beans in plenty. Limit your
intake of sugar and sugary foods as much as possible. Cut down on the amount of
processed and instant foods you eat. Say no to artificial foods, drugs and
alcohol and all other items that are harmful to the body.
7) When cooking, whatever oil you use, it is best for you if you cut
down on the use of oil.
8) 'Gotukola' is
a food rich in iron. In order to let the body absorb the iron in this, there
should be ample vitamin C. Therefore add plenty of lime juice when preparing a
By,(Author) - Dr M.B.S. Niranjala Fernando.
Director - Niranga Academy of Arts.- Sri Lanka
Director - Niranga Academy of Arts.- Sri Lanka
In one large egg,
Carbohydrates 77 calories
Protein (highest nutrition) 06 grams
Fat 05 grams
Cholesterol 210 milligrams
The amount of calories in an egg is 85.
It is a very good source of the most nutritious protein. This is a food that is
abundant in essential vitamins (Vitamin A, Vitamin B), minerals and folic acid.
However the egg yolk consists of a substantial amount of cholesterol. It is
better for a normal adult to limit the intake of egg yolks to not more than
three per week. It is very important that those who have high cholesterol
levels should limit egg yolks to a minimum.
By,(Author) - Dr M.B.S. Niranjala Fernando.
Director - Niranga Academy of Arts.- Sri
Exercise for Your Physical and Mental
Health Keeping your mental fitness sharp is an important part of healthy aging
and longevity.
We know that memory game, crosswords and
other forms of brain training can help keep your mind sharp for life.
Exercise also turns out to be an
important component of healthy brain aging.
In a study of 5925 women aged 65 or
older, researchers found that women with high levels of physical activity were
less likely to experience cognitive decline over a 6- to 8-year period.
Another study showed that men who walked
less than a mile a day had a 71% greater risk of dementia than men who walked 2
miles or more daily. Studies have also shown that people over the age of 65 who
exercise regularly have a lower risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s
These studies make a lot of sense. When
you are exercising you are using more than just your body. Your mind must make
hundreds of decisions based on balance, perception and memory; this decision
help keep your brain functioning well. Even a seemingly simple activity like
walking can lead to hundreds of stimuli to the brain.
You will see what changes in your route
each day.
More on Exercise:-
Exercise is one of the pillars of
longevity. The benefits of exercise are many: heart health, weight management,
better sleep, improved mood, more energy and many more. The biggest benefit?
Reducing your risk of chronic illnesses. Through exercise, you’ll stay healthy
longer, age well and feel great.
You can deal with emotional problems
successfully if
You are viewing them
Realistically from all angles.
View problems positively..........
Think that every disaster will bring
about some benefit.
There is no one or nothing in this world
that can be considered perfect. What should be done is to consider every defeat
as a blessing to victory.
You can be victorious only with
perseverance and not by being backward. However in order to conquer life, you
have to have the qualities of improving yourself of your own will and being
equally satisfied with what you have.
If a problem exists there is without
doubt a solution to it. Problems without solutions do not beset human beings.
These solutions appear spontaneously or with the lapse of time.
It is foolish to dream about the future
and be happy or fearful. If you get through today successfully, tomorrow will
automatically be successful.
Instead of destructive emotions which
cause illnesses, such as depression, being unsatisfied, suspicion, grief or
sadness, pain, intolerance, hostility, and anger, you should face life with a
smile and improve your esteemed human qualities and promote pleasant thoughts
and live intelligently.
You can meditate by acquiring an
understanding of the nature and reality of the world, in order to improve your
mental and emotional strength and tranquility of mind.
Exercising daily is a very good way of
getting rid of emotional stress.
Then you will be able to rid yourself of
stress and anxiety and lead a joyful and inspired as well as healthy life.
By,(Author) - Dr M.B.S. Niranjala Fernando.
Director - Niranga Academy of Arts. - Sri
Personality for a healthy life
Acquire the habits of consuming a
balanced meal with required quantities and exercising daily.
Improve your knowledge of everything
Be active always.
Think that you can conquer everything if
your thoughts are positive and you act with perseverance and effort.
Do not regret about things that you have
not been able to obtain, be satisfied often with what you have.
Improve your self-esteem. Think
Do not try to attract other people's
attention towards you unnecessarily by uttering empty words (nonsense) or by
Do not waste other people's precious time
unnecessarily by approaching people when you are free, without an invitation or
prior notice.
Do not spend the time you could get a
good rest and sleep, into working.
People who possess a good personality
conduct themselves respectfully. They have been successful in winning the love
of the community because they always respect those who need to be respected and
never act in a manner that is disrespectful towards others and always act in "Humility" and amiability.
By,(Author) - Dr M.B.S. Niranjala Fernando.
Director - Niranga Academy of Arts.- Sri
Make your life productive
Build up your hobbies.
Be flexible (the ability to adjust
positively to any situation)
Associate the community intelligently and
be a constructive person.
You should manage all your tasks
according to the time available so that you do not become fretful and unduly
disturbed. (Plan your tasks for the following day to day) You can manage your chores by
categorizing them as important or urgent, or plan according to one day ahead, a
week ahead, a month ahead etc.
Never say that you do not have enough
time for an important assignment or task.
Make leisure and happiness a part of your
daily routine.
Spend at least a while in meditation to
calm your mind.
Try to spend your time enjoying and
Do not become greedy or attached to
anything (this is because what exists today can vanish tomorrow)
By,(Author) - Dr M.B.S. Niranjala Fernando.
Director - Niranga Academy of Arts.- Sri
Yoga to the Cardiovascular System,.
Yoga has tremendous health benefits for
your heart. Most notably:
The gentler forms of yoga lower your
blood pressure because the asanas (yoga poses, postures, and yoga
positions) keep blood flowing evenly throughout your body while you focus on
your breathing.
People suffering from hypertension can
benefit from yoga tremendously, as hatha yoga can lower your heart rate and
blood pressure. Many practitioners claim that yoga has
also lowered their cholesterol.
Power yoga is an excellent form of cardio
conditioning, which strengthens core muscles while it keeps blood and oxygen
circulating throughout your body.